<![CDATA[Andra Mureșan | Scena9]]> https://www.scena9.ro/feed/by/andra-muresan> Super anxious in her personal life, but not at all anxious when on the field. A journalist obsessed with love, trends, and social issues. You can reach her at andra.mureșan@scena9.ro.

ro https://www.scena9.ro Scena9 https://www.scena9.ro/assets/img/logo-top.svg Scena9 este o platformă care radiografiază viața culturală din România (și nu numai). Facem ordine în actualitatea culturală, scriem despre ce e relevant sau nedescoperit, facem portretul noii generații de creatori. 40 180 Wed, 26 Mar 2025 02:57:28 +0000 <![CDATA[Can I buy clothes without feeling guilty? The answer: second-hand]]> https://www.scena9.ro/en/article/buy-clothes-without-feeling-guilty-the-answer-second-hand https://www.scena9.ro/en/article/buy-clothes-without-feeling-guilty-the-answer-second-hand Mon, 14 Oct 2024 09:31:17 +0000